Instead of spending so much money on buying products, why don't you try and create them yourself?
You not only can save a ton of money, but can feel pretty gosh darn proud that you made the glue that held your product all together!
Bread Clay Recipe
- 6 slices of white bread, crusts removed
- 6 tablespoons white glue
- 1/2 teaspoon detergent
- food colouring
- Knead the glue and bread together and then add the detergent. Continue to knead the mixture together until it is no longer sticky.
- Seperate the bread mixture into smaller portions and add food colouring to create desired colours.
- Create your decorations.
- For a glossy coat, brush the decorations with a mixture of equal parts of glue and water.
- Allow the decorations to remain out overnight to dry and harden.
- Once completely dry, paint and seal with clear nail polish.
Bubble Recipe
Make your own bubbles using glycerine.
- 1 part glycerine
- 3 parts detergent (not coconut based)
- 10 parts water
- Mix all the ingredients together and play.
- Make sure that the bubble mixture is blown and not sucked up as it is not edible.
Condensed Milk Paint
- Dried condensed milk has an amazing sheen, therefore, when mixed with food colouring can make for a great paint.
- Mix one cup condensed milk with food colouring to create the colour of your choice.
- Use this mixture to create a bright and shiny paint.
Cookie Clay
- 2 cups salt
- 2/3 cups water
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 1/2 cup cold water
- Mix the salt and water together in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
- In a separate bowl, mix the cornstarch and remaining cold water.
- Pour the cornstarch mixture into the boiling water solutions and stir until thick.
- Roll out the clay dough on a lightly cornstarched board. Mold clay into desired sizes and shapes and then dry and decorate. If you want to hang the decorations, use a straw to cut a hole for the string to go through.
Cornstarch Clay
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 2 cups salt
- 1 1/3 cups cold water (divided 2/3C and 2/3C)
- Mix salt together with 2/3C water and bring to a boil.
- Mix cornstarch together with 2/3C water and mix well until smooth.
- Blend the two mixtures together over low heat.
- Roll the clay mixture out onto a lightly floured surface and cut out using cookie cutters.
- Once you have the desired shapes you would like, the clay can be air dried.
- After the clay is dry, the clay can be painted.
- Unused clay can be stored in an airtight container.
Cornstarch Finger Paint
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 2 cups cold water
- food colouring
- liquid dishwashing soap
- Mix the sugar and the cornstarch together in a saucepan.
- Over low heat, add the cold water in slowly and stir until smooth and thick. Remove the mixture from the heat.
- Divide the mixture into small containers and add a drop or two of food colouring and dishwashing soap into each portion. Stir.
- Once the mixture is cool, you can start to finger paint.
Paint can be kept in an airtight container.
Cornstarch Playdough
- 1 cup of salt
- 1 cup of hot water
- 1 cup of cold water
- 1 cup of cornstarch
- Mix together the salt and hot water in a medium sized pot and heat until boiling.
- In a seperate bowl, mix the cornstarch and cold water.
- Pour the cornstarch and water mixture into the boiling water and stir constantly to avoid lumps.
- Continue to cook and stir the playdough mixture over a low heat until it starts to ball up like dough.
- Remove from heat and let cool.
- Once cool enough to touch (remember the middle of the dough ball will take longer to cool down), knead the dough until smooth.
- Grab your kids and get them to squirt a few drops of food colouring into the mixture.
- If you want to have more fun with colours, divide the dough into smaller bowls and make a number of different colours to play with.
- You can also use this as an opportunity to share about the colour wheel and mixing of colours with your kids as you have them drop different colours of food colouring into the dough.
- Store the playdough in an airtight container to keep the dough from drying out.
Dr.Seuss's Oobleck
Dr.Seuss spoke of green precipitation called Oobleck falling from the sky in Bartholomew and the Oobleck.
While you may never have called it Oobleck, you have probably played with this mixture before.
- 1.5-2 cups cornstarch
- 1 cup water
- food colouring (optional)
This mixture involves the mixing of cornstarch and water. As you mix it and play with it between your fingers, the mixture will change from a liquid to a solid and back again.
Store this mixture in an airtight container.
Easter Egg Dye
- 1/4 teaspoon food colouring
- 3/4 cup hot water
- 1 tablespoon vinegar
- Mix the ingredients together in a small bowl.
- Divide the mixture into smaller bowls and add food colouring to each bowl.
- To decorate the Easter Eggs, hold the hard boiled egg or blown-egg under the dye. The longer the egg shell stays in the dye, the darker the colour will be.
Egg Yolk Paint Recipe
When I was growing up, my mom always decorated our shortbread cookies with egg yolk paint. It makes for amazing decorative colouring on cookie designs.
Here is the recipe:
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/4 teaspoon room temperature water
- food colouring
- Mix the egg yolk and water together with lots of food colouring.
- Use a paint brush to brush onto baked cookies. The cookies must be returned to the oven until the egg is solidified.
Face Paint Recipe
There are many times of the year that it would be great to have face paint available. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to locate. Why not make your own?
- 1 teaspoon cornstarch
- 1/2 teaspoon cold cream
- 1/2 teaspoon water
- food colouring
- Stir together the corn starch and cold cream until smooth. Add the water and continue to stir until smooth again. Add food colouring to get the desired colour.
- This face paint is best applied with a small paint brush or q-tip.
- To remove the face paint, use soap and water.
- Face paint can be stored in an airtight container.
Finger Paint Recipe
- 1/2 cup boiling water
- 2 tbsp cornstarch
- 6 tbsp cold water
- food colouring
- Dissolve the cornstarch into the cold water.
- Pour the cornstarch mixture into the boiling water.
- Stir constantly and continue heating until the mixture becomes glossy.
- Add food colouring. Remove from heat.
- Cool completely before using.
Glue Recipe
Have you ever wanted to make your own glue? It is easier than you think.
- 3/4 cup room temperature water
- 2 tablespoon corn syrup
- 1 teaspoon white vinegar
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 3/4 cup cold water
- Mix room temperature water, corn syrup and white vinegar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil.
- In a seperate bowl, mix the cornstarch and cold water together until smooth.
- Slowly pour the cornstarch mixture into the other mixture and stir constantly.
- Once thickened, remove from the heat and let stand overnight.
Glurch / Flubber
This homemade silly putty is a fun mixture of glue and borax that makes a jelly like substance.
- 3/4 cup white glue
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup water
- 3 tbsp borax (found in the laundry aisle)
- food colouring (optional)
- Mix together glue and 1 cup water in a small bowl.
- In a seperate bowl, mix together borax and 1 cup water. Be sure to stir well, or the Borax will drop to the bottom of your bowl.
- If you are interested in having colourful glurch, mix a few drops of food colouring into one of the mixtures.
- Scoop a few spoonfuls of borax mixture into the glue mixture and stir. You may not need to add in the entire borax mixture. You want to end up with a 3 to 1 mixture of 3 parts water/glue mixture to 1 part water/borax mixture.
- As you stir, the mixture will gets it's jelly like appearance and feel.
- You can now run the mixture through your fingers and have some fun!
- Be sure to wash your hands when you are done playing!
Gooey Goop Recipe
Goop is a great mixture to play with, and very easy to make.
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 cups cornstarch
- food colouring
- Mix the water and cornstarch together until smooth. Boil until thick.
- Add food colouring until the goop is your colour of choice. Remove from heat and let cool.
- Be sure to have your play surface covered with plastic, or use a plastic placemat for your surface.
Goop Recipe
- 2 cups cornflour
- 2 cups warm water
- 3 cups flour
- food colouring
- Mix together the cornflour and 1 cup of water in a bowl. Stir until smooth.
- Pour this mixture into a saucepan and heat on low. Slowly mix in the flour while gradually adding in the remaining water.
- Once cooled, the goop is now ready to play with. If the goop sticks to your hands, lightly flour them.
Homemade Silly Putty
- 2 parts white glue
- 1 part liquid starch
- Mix all ingredients together until no longer sticky.
- Add more glue or starch of necessary.
- Mixture can be stored in an airtight container.
Koolaid Playdough Recipe
This playdough is edible.
- 3 cups flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 packages koolaid
- 2 cups boiling water
- Mix dry ingredients together. Add boiling water. Knead together on a floured area.
- This playdough is long lasting. Store in an air tight container.
Mister Rogers' Play Dough
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup water
- Mix together well.
- You can put dry Kool-Aid or Jell-O in the mix if you want to colour the dough.
Oatmeal Playdough
- 2 cups smooth peanut butter
- 2 cups rolled oats
- 2 cups powdered milk
- 2/3 cups honey
- You can add in any other edible treats such as cereal, chocolate chips, candies, etc.
- Mix ingredients together. Remove mixture onto wax paper.
- Store in air-tight container.
Oatmeal Playdough ver.2
- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup water
- 2 cups oatmeal
- Mix all of the ingredients together until smooth.
- Knead on a lightly floured surface.
- Play!
Paper Mache Paste
- 1 cup room temperature water
- 1/4 cup flour
- 5 cups boiling water
- Mix the flour into the room temperature water and stir until smooth.
- Pour the mixture into the boiling water and continue to stir for a few minutes while the mixture gently boils.
- After a few minutes, remove for heat and let cool.
- Dip strips of newsprint into the paper mache mixture and create your projects.
Pasta Dye
A wonderful activity is to create pictures or necklaces and bracelets using coloured dry pasta.
- To dye the dry pasta, mix together 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol with food colouring.
- Carefully place the dry pasta into the rubbing alcohol mixture.
- Once coloured, place the coloured pasta onto a sheet of waxed paper with newspaper below it to soak up any excess dye.
DO NOT eat the pasta or let kids put it into their mouths.
Peanut Butter Playdough
This playdough is edible.
- 3 1/2 cups peanut butter
- 4 cups powdered sugar
- 4 cups powdered milk
- 3 1/2 cups corn syrup
Mix ingredients together. Share. Can decorate with other edible treats.
Playdough Recipe
This playdough is NOT edible.
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup salt
- 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
- 2 cups warm water
- 1 tablespoons cooking oil
- food colouring
- Mix all ingredients in a saucepan.
- Cook over medium heat, stirring until stiff.
- Allow to cool, then knead.
- This playdough will last for a long time if kept in an air tight container.
Poster Paint Recipe
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1 cup water
- powdered tempera paint
- 1/2 teaspooon liquid detergent
- Place the flour into a small saucepan and slowly pour in one cup of water. Stir until smooth. Once smooth, turn the heat on low and continue stirring until the mixture thickens. Cool.
- Remove about 1/4 cup of the cooled flour mixture and place into a small container. Add tempera paint and a splash of water to create each desired colour.
- If you would like a glossy finish, add liquid detergent.
Pumpkin Pie Playdough
- 5 1/2 C flour
- 2 C salt
- 8 tsp cream of tartar
- 3/4 C vegetable oil
- 1.5 oz pumpkin pie spice
- orange food colouring (red and yellow)
- 4 C water
- Mix all the ingredients together and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the lumps disappear.
- Once mixed, remove from heat onto a floured surface. Let cool.
- Once cooled enough that you can knead the dough, knead until smooth.
- Store in an airtight container.
Not edible
Salt Glitter Recipe
- 1/2 cup salt
- food colouring
- Add food colouring to salt. Add as much or as little as you would like to get the desired colour of glitter.
- If you would like to use the glitter right away, place the coloured salt in the microwave and cook for 1-2 minutes depending on the strength of the microwave. Cool.
- If you are not using the glitter right away, you can let the salt air dry.
- Store the glitter in an air tight container.
Salt Playdough Recipe
This playdough is NOT edible.
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup salt
- 1/2 cup flour
- food coloring
- Mix ingredients in a saucepan and stir over low heat. When mixture is thick and rubbery, remove from heat.
- Once the mixture has started to cool, place playdough on floured surface and knead. Once cooled, roll flat and use cookie cutters to create objects for decoration. If you would like to hang the decorations, use a straw to punch a hole.
- Air dry objects few days. Store unused portion in air-tight container.
Slime Recipe
- 1 cup room temperature water
- 1 cup white school glue
- food colouring
- 1 1/3 cups warm water
- 4 tablespoons Borax laundry booster
- Mix together room temperature water, glue, and food colouring. Set aside.
- In another bowl, mix together warm water and Borax until completely dissolved.
- Slowly pour the glue mix into the bowl with the Borax solution, but do NOT mix them together.
- Roll the glue mix around in the Borax solution (around 4 or 5 times). Then lift the glue mix out of the Borax solution. Knead for 2-3 minutes.
- Store the slime (the glue mix) in an airtight container or plastic ziplock bag.
Traditional Play Dough
This play dough is NOT edible.
- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup warm water
- 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 1 teaspoon oil
- 1/4 cup salt
- food colouring
- Mix all ingredients together in a saucepan, adding food colouring last.
- Carefully stir ingredients together in the saucepan over medium heat until smooth.
- Remove play dough from pan and knead until blended smooth.
- Once the play dough is cooled, place in an airtight container.
This play dough is long lasting.
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