Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hi everyone! We have some great news: Scraptastic Memories is looking for a few good scrappers! We are conducting an Open Call for new Design Team Members! We are looking forward to hearing from you, and Good Luck!

Scraptastic Memories

Inspiration Blog

Application requirements:

Many positions available – No Term Requirements

All positions will have no limitations. You must post on anything involving scrapbooking, card making, crafts etc. This is an inspiration blog so the positions are not limited.

Position Requirements:

  • Scraptastic Memories Design Team Member

Creating your 1st post must be a “Profile” Post. This must include a picture of yourself, a bio about yourself, and how long you’ve been scrapping.

You must post on a regular basis. If you are unable to post for a little, you must contact with a heads up of your limited absence.

You must cooperate with the Blog Owner & Design Team Manager at all times.

Because Scraptastic Memories is a pure inspiration blog, and not a straight Layout Creative blog, all compensation is in the form of challenges.

Challenges involve a certain amount of posts during a certain period of time.

The winner of these challenges will have a say in which type of kit they would like to receive. Nearing the end of the challenge, a mass email to all design team members will be sent out with all the kits available to choose from. On the due date of the challenge, the winner will be announced and the blog owner of Scraptastic Memories will email the lucky winner as to which kit they would like to receive. This kit will be shipped directly to their house.

A new challenge will then be put in place.

The Scraptastic Memories Application

  • Chosen Members will be notified ASAP with appropriate steps to follow

Please email the following information to:

Delivery Address:
Email address:

Blogs You Have:

Websites You Have:

Online Gallery Link(Your Work):

Questions to answer:

  1. What are your scrapping strengths and weaknesses?
  2. What are your favorite products, techniques, colors & brands?
  3. Are you afraid to venture outside of your comfort zone?
  4. Do you currently participate on any other design teams? If so, please list.
  5. How long have you been scrapbooking?
  6. What are your scrapping inspirations?
  7. How often are you online/able to post?
  8. Why do you want to be on the design team?
  9. Are you familiar with blogger? (YES/NO ANSWER ONLY!)
  10. Tell us a little about yourself.

Attach the following to your email:

  • Picture of yourself to be added to the blog
  • 4 Scrap Pages Done By YOU
  • Min. 1 Card/Other Project Done By YOU
  • 1 Sketch Done By YOU

If you are missing even one of these requirements you will get an email stating you did not complete the right aspects to be on the design team.
You are very welcome to resend your application for the design team with the updated information.

Thank You && Good Luck

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