Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Heirloom recipes!

after seeing Ashley's page kits with recipe kits..it got me thinking about my nanas scrambled eggs..and in turn, a recipe book to honour her and the things she used to make for us as a kid..Scrap ya Later, Cath T!

Give your recipe scrapbook some old-fashioned charm with an heirloom-style design. Start with a 6 x 6 album from any craft store; they will typically run you about $6. Then, cut your cardstock into 6 x 6 pieces and attach your typed recipes. Now, its time to decorate! Use old postcards, wrapping paper, postage stamps, newspaper clippings, old photos, music, etc. To make your "recipes to remember" scrapbook even more interesting, you can include food-related tidbits from magazines or newspapers and food history information and stories. You can buy vintage-style scrapbook paper and embellishments if you don’t have access to the other decorative items listed above.

Another suggestion is to be creative with your scrapbook recipe book pages. You can create pocket pages where the recipe can be removed. Or, print your recipes on decorative tags to create some movement on your pages. Scrapbooking family recipes can be so much fun.

Once you have produced one of these 6 x 6 heirloom albums you will be hooked and want to continue scrapping more books. Use these recipe cookbooks for Christmas gifts, wedding gifts or any occasion

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