Sunday, September 7, 2008

Nature/ Everyday Photography

One of my favourite things to take pictures of is nature/flowers. These shots can be so rewarding and can be especially beautifal when you get that perfect shot and have it enlarged and framed. I have over the years taken many photos that are favourites, many of which i now have framed and hanging throughout the house.

Dont be limited by nature, take photos of all of the evryday things around you: Some of these can be:

1. Food
3. Nature
4. Favourite things
5. Pets
6. Transport
7. Places you frequently visit
8. shoes lying at the front door
9. Hands/feet
10. scrapbook room
11. Music/cd's/records/tapes etc

just to name a few
try thinking about what you would like to capture and maybe create an album(mini) all about your everyday surroundings - just think in a few years time all of these things may very well have changed and at least then you have a permanent record of the way things used to be.

Here are just a small selection of things i have captured.

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