Thursday, June 12, 2008

Scrapbooking Do-Overs

These are pages that I can't stand. These are from the first pages I did and am going to be working on getting these re-done.

This page is a page from when my son was born. It has hospital bracelets and such. It's a very very important page so it's going to be my first makeover page!

This page is a little page put together on a fun wedding day of my aunts. It's my family + my boyfriend. I wanted to do a page with both our familys. This is all I got done. It's not a very nice page, and I am not happ with it. I think it actaully might by the first page I did. Going to be redue-ing this page, double page spread of both sides of the family (mine + my boyfriends)

I actually do like the background design of this page. It took me quiet a while to do. I came up with a better idea though. I am going to do a calender view of all my sons first. It will also be in another scrapbook. Not the main one.

This is a page that I cant stand. It has pictures of my ultrasound at 31weeks pregnant. I have very very nice quotes on this page, and nice stickers- which I will try to take off nicely so I can reuse them at a certain point.

I HATE This page! So much! Plain and simple- Horrible layout. Going to completely throw this page out. Going to keep the pictures, but not these ones. I want full pictures.

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