Looking for a quick and easy way to add journaling to a layout? Consider bullet points. A bullet point is an item in a list, preceded by a "bullet" ( °) . Bullet point lists can consist of anything - Christmas presents, wishes, recollections about a time or place, etc. The list can be a series of simple words or entire paragraphs. The content of the list is variable, depending on space and your journaling goal.
Although bullets are useful and practical, they can be boring. To get away from the simple bullet points consider these ideas for creative bullet points:
Embellishment Bullet Points. Instead of using a straight bullet, leave space to add an embellishment. Embellishments can be anything from a simple brad to a flower. Other embellishments to consider include chipboard, stickers, charms, and punches. In my "Easter" layout, I used circular epoxy stickers for my bullets. Here are a few additional variations you can use:
- Strip Journaling Bullet Points. Bullet points often are seen as a list, but placing them on strips of journaling can also visually separate them. Each item on the list is placed on individual journaling strips. Additionally, a different bullet can be used for each strip. In my layout, "Back to School," I listed items on individual strips and used flowers for the bullets.
- Rub-On Images. For a fun and easy way to change bullet points, use rub-on images. Small rub-on images make perfect bullet points. In my layout, "The Loot," I used colorful and fun rub-ons to list my daughter's birthday gifts.
- Checklist. I love making checklists and I even include them on my layouts. The checkmark can also be used as a bullet point on a layout. In my layout, "So Set for School," I used checkmarks as bullets on a tag.
- Stamped Image. Stamps are so versatile. Remember that small stamped images can also be used as bullet points. Using inks, you can choose a color that matches your layout.
Horizontal Listing. Not only can you vary the bullets, but also remember to vary the form of the bulleted list. While lists are often on several lines with each item on a new line, a list can also be horizontal. In a horizontal list, the items are listed one after another in one long line and bullets are placed between each item. In my layout, "School Days," I used a rub-on that featured a horizontal list. Notice the bullets between each item on the list. A variety of materials can be used as bullet points to separate them.
Consider using a list and bullets on your next layout. With a little creativity, even bullets points can be fun to use on a layout.
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